Please complete the registration form in full. At this stage, you can already choose a username and password. Please indicate if you (or your institution) have received a letter of invitation and if you would like to be sponsored or not (see specific information page on sponsorship). Below are step by step instructions for the registration process:
Please fill in the registration form as completely as possible (not only the compulsory fields). If you are the nominated Permanent Representative with WMO, please tick this box, if not leave it blank. The default preferred language is set to English, be sure to select French if that is your preferred choice. Continue by clicking on "next step" at the bottom of the page.
In order to facilitate the widest possible attendance, EUMETSAT is prepared to financially support the participation of one attendee per African country (WMO Regional Association I), to be officially designated by the country’s Permanent Representative with WMO and one attendee per invited regional organisation. Financial support is also possible for persons whose contribution to specific sessions or to poster exhibition or to Youth competition is selected for presentation.
Further details on sponsorship are provided under the Sponsorship menu.
Please provide such nomination/approval (signed and stamped by the WMO Permanent Representative), scan and upload it (pdf format) to your registration form. (Should this not be possible, please contact the organising committee).
Visa should not be needed, but in case it is, EUMETSAT will provide all registered sponsored participants with a personalised letter of invitation from our host to ensure that you will be allowed to enter Benin. The costs for visa will have to be borne personally by each participant. Please fill in the various passport details, scan your passport and upload a pdf copy to your registration form. (Should this not be possible, please contact the organising committee).
Confirm your registration by clicking on "submit registration data". You will shortly thereafter receive an e-mail confirmation from EUMETSAT that you have been successfully registered. In addition you will receive your login information.
You will be able to log-in at any time either to access your registration and make any necessary amendments such as uploading any relevant missing files (e.g. approval by WMO PR, passport copy etc), changing your travel itinerary (non-sponsored participants) etc. Whenever a change has been made to the registration form, EUMETSAT is informed automatically by e-mail. Please do not try to login prior to receiving EUMETSAT’s confirmation of acceptance of your registration.
> 16th UFA report
> 16th UFA Programme
> 15th UFA report
> 15th UFA recommendations