In order to facilitate the widest possible attendance, EUMETSAT is prepared to financially support the participation of one attendee per African country (WMO Regional Association I), to be officially designated by the country’s Permanent Representative with WMO and one attendee per invited regional organisation. Financial support is also possible for persons whose contribution to specific sessions or to poster exhibition or to Youth competition is selected for presentation.
To apply for this financial support, the Permanent Representatives with WMO or the Head of the regional organisation are invited to provide their signed and officially stamped written request indicating name, function, and full contact details of the nominated person, to:
The Organising Committee of the 16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa EUMETSAT Eumetsat-Allee 1 64295 Darmstadt Germany
Please upload the scanned copy of your sponsorship request on the UFA registration page, “sponsorship” tab:
In case you have difficulties scanning and uploading the request, it will also be possible to submit it by fax or email:
Fax: +49-6151-8076150
The nominated person should be an officer of the National Meteorological Service or of another national institution cooperating with it, provided that s/he has the appropriate background to contribute to the discussions of the Forum and to benefit from his/her participation therein. Ideally this person should be involved in EUMETSAT/meteorological satellite related activities as part of his regular duty.
For the participants whom EUMETSAT agrees to support financially, and within the limit of available budget, EUMETSAT will directly purchase travel tickets (economy class). EUMETSAT will also book and pay directly for accommodation (inc. breakfast), local transport related to the Forum and one lunch per day. Three dinners will also be provided. EUMETSAT will also provide a lump-sum, as daily subsistence allowance to cover other costs.
Requests for financial support should be submitted no later than Thursday, 30 May 2024.
> 16th UFA report
> 16th UFA Programme
> 15th UFA report
> 15th UFA recommendations